Credit Collection Services Can Include More Than Just Debt Collection!

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What does the credit collection process look like?

Looking for personalized credit collection services?

Generally, credit collection involves contacting the debtor, determining the reason for nonpayment, creating a solution to recover the money you’re owed, and then depositing the funds into your account. This process may seem straightforward, but there can be obstacles at different points in the process that require more specialized credit collection services in Michigan.

Before collections begin, or even before signing a contract with another organization, you might want a credit report investigation to see if your prospective customer has healthy financials. We work with Experian to provide unbiased business credit reports that can give you a peek into their financial operations. Looking for a little more data? RSD can provide actual trade and debt information on your clients or potential clients. Still looking for a little more data? Credit worthiness isn’t just about financial data. We work with investigative services to curate background checks, asset searches, and bank account verifications. We can even send a field investigator to the debtor’s  location to determine their  physical status.

During the credit collection process, we may find your debtor has filed for bankruptcy, making them a debtor in possession. Now what?  Do you or your team have experience with bankruptcy laws and know what your rights are? If not, let RSD handle these situations for you. We have resources and bankruptcy attorneys available to help navigate these choppy waters. If you’ve been put in a tough spot due to a debtor’s cash flow situation, we can determine which solution makes the most sense: collections, portfolio liquidation, litigation or settlement. 

After the process has been completed and the debt has been collected, you might decide you don’t want to go through this again. We have consultative and credit policy creation services that can correct issues that affect sales, cash flow, and general operation, as well as create a strong credit policy that minimizes the risk of selling on credit. It’s our goal to improve your credit risk management system and keep your company on its feet!

Credit Collection Services in Michigan

Ross, Stuart & Dawson has 47 years of experience in debt collection, collecting both domestic and international debts. We’ve had enough experience to know you need an individualized approach for your unique business and circumstances. We take the time to understand the details of your business and provide the best solution for you, not only with collections, but with your total credit management system.

For credit collection services in Michigan, contact RSD today!

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